The following are the official rules and regulations of the Miss American Scholar competition. Contestants must read and agree to the following rules and regulations, in order to be eligible to compete at the state and national levels:
Contestant is between the ages specified in her division of January 1st of the competition year, or no older than 29 as of the National Pageant for the Miss Division.
Contestant must live, work, or attend school in the state/region which they represent unless otherwise permitted by the National Executive Director.
Contestant must be of good health and moral character.
Contestant must be single, never have been married, nor given birth to a child or been pregnant for all divisions except the Ms. Division.
Contestant must be a natural-born female.
Contestant is a US citizen.
Contestant must never have been convicted of a felony crime.
Contestant agrees she will not compete in any other pageants that require her to give up or forfeit her state title with Miss American Scholar. For example, she may compete in charity, local, festival, or any type of pageant that would not be in direct conflict with her responsibilities with her commitment to the Miss American Scholar Competition and competing at/attending the National Competition.
Contestant understands that she will be required to fulfill two (2) appearances each month representing Miss American Scholar in their official state crown and sash and fulfill all the requirements of the state title as put forth by the Miss American Scholar National Office and will sign a state titleholder agreement and guidelines.
Contestant will be subject to an entry fee if there is no competition in her state and understands that all fees must be paid by the deadlines set by the National Office or contestant will be subject to a deadline late fee for each item late to the National Office.
Contestant and parent(s)/guardian (if under 18) understand that ALL FEES are non-refundable, non-transferable under any circumstances, this includes, but not limited to withdrawing prior to the state/national pageant event, failing to attend state/national pageant, leaving during the event, disqualification during the state/national pageant, and other circumstances at the discretion of the executive director.
The only forms of payment accepted are cashier's checks, money orders, business checks, and PayPal. Additional fees may apply to payments made via PayPal.
An NSF or ISF fee of $60 will be applied to all returned/bounced checks received and must be settled within five (5) days via PayPal.
Contestant must never have nor will she during her year of service pose for any photography, video, or film associated with any full or partial nudity or pornography. Contestant must have never nor shall she during her year of service engaged in any employment or activity involving partial or full nudity.
Any contestant and/or family member or guest showing less than sportsmanlike behavior and/or bullying will lead to the disqualification of the contestant at the discretion of the executive director. No refund will be given under these circumstances.
Contestant understands that her social media accounts whether personal or a public profile page, should reflect those of a positive role model. As a contestant/state titleholder she is a representative of this system and social media should reflect that of a positive role model.
Contestant and their parent(s)/guardian give permissions for photos, videos, and audio to be used for promotional and marketing purposes of the MIss American Scholar Competition and its titleholders in all forms of media.
Contestant agrees that all information provided on their entry form, paperwork, and all forms is true and accurate. If information is falsified, it may lead to disqualification of the contestant and loss of state title. No refund will be given under these circumstances.
National winners will be required to sign a National Titleholder Contract, which includes a non-compete clause.
All decisions of judges at the state level and national level are final and irrevocable.
Contestant understands and agrees that the Miss American Scholar Competition shall determine the manner and method of conducting the competition at its sole discretion. She further understands and agrees that Miss American Scholar shall also determine the time, method, and manner of judging the competition and the awarding and supervision of all scholarships and awards designated in its sole discretion.
Contestant and parent/guardian agree, hereby releasing and forever discharge Miss American Scholar, its directors, volunteers, and staff from any and all claims and demands arising from damages or liabilities due to theft, accident, loss, or injury resulting in participation in the Miss American Scholar or any of our events. Contestant and parent/guardian further covenants and agree not to sue the organization, its directors individually, volunteers, and staff for any claim for damages or liability.
Contestant agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of the Miss American Scholar Competition.
A Contestant may be selected to participate as an "appointed" titleholder if there is no competition for her state and/or division. If selected as "appointed" additional fees will apply to attend the National Pageant.
Contestant understands that the Miss American Scholar Competition reserves the right to change the dates & location of the national pageant.
Participation in the Miss American Scholar Competition, both at the state and national level, indicates that you and your parent/guardian agree to the rules and regulations of the Miss American Scholar Competition.
These rules and regulations are subject to modification, as needed, without prior notice. The Miss American Scholar Competition reserves the right to make said modifications at its sole discretion.